YouTube Vanced App Download
Download YouTube Vanced APK with new ad-blocking technology, background-play and sponsor-block features.
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Download YouTube ReVanced
ReVanced is a more advanced and newly updated YouTube Vanced version. Highly maintained and open-source,
Note: MicroG is required to run Vanced YouTube App. First, install MicroG and then install the Vanced App.
Download YouTube Vanced
Download the Latest Vanced YouTube, Vanced YouTube Music, MicroG and Vanced Manager.
Note: MicroG is required to run YouTube app. First, install MicroG and then install Vanced App
Download ReVanced Extended
Download the Latest Vanced YouTube, Vanced YouTube Music, MicroG and Vanced Manager.
Note: MicroG is required to run YouTube app. First, install MicroG and then install Vanced App
YouTube ReVanced
Advanced features include Ad-block, background play, sponsor block etc.
YouTube Vanced
Ad-block, background play, sponsor block, PiP etc
Vanced YouTube blocks all ads, shopping links, and YouTube Premium ads.
Sponsor Block
Skips annoying sponsorship advertisements, intro, and outro from videos.
Background Play
Play any video and music on YouTube in the background
Picture in Picture Mode
Watch videos in PIP while working on other apps. This will improve multitasking.
Remove Shorts Section
Has the option to hide and remove the YouTube Short section from the app.
Return YouTube Dislike
Bring back the YouTube Dislike button and dislink count in videos again
YouTube Vanced App’s Highlight

Block Ads
YouTube Vanced blocks all types of Ads and YouTube premium banners in the app
Sponsor Block
Skip annoying sponsor ads from the middle of the video

Return YouTube Dislike Button
YouTube Vanced allows you to return the YouTube dislike button and dislike count again.